Thanks to everybody that has been keeping an eye on me, knowing that Josh and I are trying to have another baby. It's very sweet. Lily and Max were both conceived the second I went off the pill. I actually was feeling pressure to have baby 3.5 follow the same pattern. Not a rational feeling, but there. So as of yesterday morning, I am unsuccessful. And I really am a little relieved (and a little sad). Of course I want this kiddo ASAP, but we are going on a cruise at the end of this month and I didn't want to spend that whole time barfing. According to my iphone fertility app I will be in peak fertility during our cruise. So, thank for all the support, but no - I am not pregnant yet. Maybe this next round and his whole name will be Finn Bahama Schaefer.
I am a wife, a mom, a nurse practitioner, a smart mouth, a professional party planner to only my own kids, a Disney crazy lady, a gardener, a mini-farmer, and a converted spoiled brat.
Heart you, girlie! Hoping next month/cruise time works for you guys :)