Friday, August 13, 2010

::first day of first grade::

Kindergarten - last year

The big first grader.

Recent Lily comments:

I didn't put gum in my hair by purpose.
(A post for another day)

I don't want a new backpack.  Mine is broken in. 

Even my underwear is new.

I bet I am the most colorful person in school.  Isn't that amazing?
(I bet too.  She didn't even want two socks to match)

My feet must have grow lots last night.
~five mins later~
AHHH, I have them on backwards.
(On the wrong feet, not actually backward)

It is just a little weird, but I am not going to freak out on the ground.  We are a whole summer past that.
(on putting clothes on after you take a shower)

last year

This year

(Ok - I didn't get the perfect shot.  Bummer.  But I still got the moment and I am trying to talk myself out of freaking out about it.)



  1. Ok, Brooke, I am picturing our first day of Kindergarten. I am thinking we will be camped out on the lawn of the school in anticipation. ;o)

  2. As for not getting the perfect shot?

    There's always tomorrow! (Monday, I guess)

    I still have pics that my mom took on my first days of Kindergarten and first grade.

    Love your blog! :]

  3. Lily says the cutest things! And she keeps getting prettier each year. All your kids do.

  4. She's splendid and amazing ~ love her and your blog!!! Wish you lived closer as I bet our girls (and families) have a lot in common... I'm your newest follower and off to explore more here!

  5. so cute, love how colorful she is! and that she's dressed exactly how she wanted! stopping over from trendy treehouse.

  6. I love seeing how she's grown in a year. It happens too fast, doesn't it?



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