Sunday, June 19, 2011


Some times I am overwhelmed by Josh.  We went to take him out to lunch today since he had to work.  The kids ran up to the door to get him and his face just lit up to see them.  I couldn't stop starring at him.  He is so tall and handsome and just put together nicely.  And I just felt this over whelming sensation of pride at being his wife.   

And I felt a little embarrassed in myself lately.  I haven't been putting in my full effort to him.  I have been slacking.  I am full of excuses, some are even good - I'm stressed out about started a new job, I am growing another human being, I am trying to keep Max alive, I running the house, I am trying to keep up with my garden, etc etc etc.  But those are EXCUSES and I need to step it up a notch.  I expect it from him, than I should give it to him.  Starting right this second.  Because he is the most important thing in my entire life. 

Luckily I get the chance.  Starting at 5:30   :)

Things to remember about Josh - he doesn't look talk or act like the other dads I know.  He moves like an athlete.  He is so extremely pleasing to me in almost every way.  I love his humor.  He wrestles with the kids and they love it.  He makes me stop when I am out of control.  He follows my artistic vision when it makes sense.  He goes back and fixes the things I build so they will actually stand up.  He thanks me for making dinner and makes the kids thank me too.  He kisses me every time he gets a battery out of the battery drawer.  He plays rock paper scissors with me over dirty diapers.  He quotes movies that we think are funny. 

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