Monday, March 5, 2012

::max is the star of the week::

Max is the star of the week at preschool.  Here is his form he had to have filled out and take to class.  

All About Me
1.  My favorite color is ________blue_________.

2.  My favorite book is ___The Little Mouse, the Red-Ripe Strawberry, and the Big Hungry Bear by Woods______.

 My favorite movie is _Madagascar______.

 My favorite activity is ____going outside to play, being the Star of the Week, playing with my sister Lily, wrestling with daddy, sitting on mommy's lap, snuggling my grammy, and snacking with papaw.

 When I grow up I want to be a _super hero_.

 I’m special because__I am kind, I can work puzzles, I know the words to lots of songs, I am a good listener, I'm a good big brother, and I have curly hair and blue eyes.

 I was born in _________Indiana______.

 My favorite food is ___macaroni and cheese________.

 I have a pet named ______Lizzie_______.

The person I most admirer is ___mommy because she buys me nice things, and she (her) likes me____.

My favorite part of school is _sitting on the carpet to listen to stories and playing on the playground_.

He also had to take in some of his favorite pictures.  Here are the some of the ones he picked. 

1 comment:

  1. He is so stinkin cute. Those curls are special. My favorite is still the one where he is crying at Disneyland.



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