The kids have been all over me about wanting a puppy. Sometimes I start to crack and think that maybe I want one too. Let me say that a puppy is about the very last thing that I do need. But the cuteness, the puppy breath, the joy... Spring always makes me want baby animals around. To keep the puppy urge at bay Josh drove me to Rural Kind and let me buy as many chicks as I wanted. They are so CUTE! And they don't chew up your shoes. I held myself to 12. One already came to an early demise, but the other 11 are doing great do far. We currently have three hens on our farm right now. Three big pretty Rhode Island Reds. Big Mama - our farm matriarch - is still going strong. She has been laying huge eggs almost all winter. I just love that old girl. She has two minions from last season that she keeps track of, but I wanted some more for this year. I was so lucky that Rural King had a wonderful selection of babies to choose from. I have wanted some fun breeds but have been unable to mail order them - you need to be ready to go pick them up from the post office and they don't give you an exact day till right before they arrive. That doesn't work with my job, so no mail order. Till I found a friend that loves chickens too and makes her father pick her mail order chicks up for her. I got three chicks from her last fall but my heat lamp broke and they died. I was so disappointed. I want to try again latter this spring, I hope to pick up some Maren's and Silkies that way. Till then I am loving shopping at Rural King!!!
We got two Light Brahma's. These ladies have fuzzy feet! It really is so cute. They are known for being friendly and easy to handle. They mature slowly but are good layers and can take severe cold.
We got two Barred Rock's, but one met an early death. I have wanted one of these for awhile. They are so pretty, and to me they look like a classic farm animal. They are good layers of brown eggs.
Two Black Australorps. These girls lay light brown eggs and are known to be friendly. They shine green in the sun! Just like my ducks. I can't wait to see these girl scratching around.
Six Araucana's. Two light and four brown. These crazy girls lay green to olive colored eggs and they have feathers around their face that look like cheek puffs.
I am a wife, a mom, a nurse practitioner, a smart mouth, a professional party planner to only my own kids, a Disney crazy lady, a gardener, a mini-farmer, and a converted spoiled brat.
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