The spa party went off with out a hitch!!!
We ended up with nine girls that were ready to get so spa work done.
I had my dining room set up for them when they got there.
From the dollar section at Target I got the little make up totes for them and the compacts.
Off of Amazon I got them spa flip flops and toe separators.
Scrubbers lined the center of the table, along with jars of Sharpies.
I always like to have an "opening craft".
Something they don't have to do together, so they can play while they wait for the other girls to arrive.
This time I had them use the Sharpies to decorate their supplies.
Letting them just free style their items how ever they wanted brought one some really cute designs.
Then we headed out onto the deck were I had all my supplies for the activities divided out into different tubs.
First thing we did was mix chocolate facials.
I put the girls into groups of 2-3.
Then I told them the directions.
I was amazed at how carefully they divided the steps amongst their group. I didn't have to regulate that at all. It was so sweet.
I looked up a ton of different directions for the facials, but ended up putting a few together to come up with a final plan.
We went with -
1/3 cup cocoa powder
A big glop of honey
2T yogurt
2T heavy cream
3T oatmeal
Enough water to make it not like dough
Then the girls used some cheap foam brushes to put the mixture on each other.
Grown ups helped, but it was mostly the girls.
Chilled cucumber slices were at the ready.
Till they started eating the cucumbers.
Then they moved on to foot soaks.
Scented Epsom salt and rose petal made them think they were very fancy.
And my dearest sister in law got these basins from the OR she is a nurse in.
While there were relaxing in foot baths the grow ups swept through and painted fingers nails and removed facials.
(I tried the facial mask that morning and it seriously works. Lily told me I looked "Lots less old" after it.)
All the pretty little colors of the rainbow.
It was time for the kids to take a snack break.
Candy melt covered sprinkle rolled Oreo pops were the hit of the party.
Even Auntie Monnig loved them.
A tub of drinks was around for the girls.
Can you tell by the one left over Coke what was the most popular?
One of my friends gave the the idea for this next activity. (THANKS KELLY!)
The girls sat in a circle with a bottle of polish.
I played music and they passed the polish around like hot potato.
Then when the music stopped you had to paint your neighbors toe what ever color you had in your hand.
The girls loved this game. It was loud and very messy.
My deck looks so pretty with all the colors.
The quality of the paint jobs may not have been professional, but the colors were so pretty.
Lily got started on presents.
The biggest hit of the party was the blue kangaroo that her Grammy made her.
He is from the book "It Was You Blue Kangaroo"
One of our favorite books about a girl named Lily and her kangaroo.
She also about fainted when she got her crazy LaLaLoopsy Silly Hair doll.
I got her cake made again this year.
I really should have done it myself, but it just takes so much stress off me to have it done.
Lily loved it.
Quinny thought the cake was wonderful.
The final activity was making a brown sugar scrub.
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup olive oil
A few drops of vanilla
2T lemon juice
Mixed in a jar to take home.

Quinny and his 18 month old cousin were the only body in attendance.
But Q thought is was a pretty good gig.
All pics but a very few where taken by Emma.
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