She looks slightly insane in this picture but I had to use it anyway. This is Lily's first day at her first job! She worked at a local pumpkin patch helping to run the kids area. She loved and did a great job.
One of my friends commissioned me to make them some Italy ears for their upcoming Epcot trip. It ended up being crazy fun. I loved how they turned out. They are a one time only deal though because I had to make the green, white, and red fabric.
We spent some quality time at the library over October break. I just love our community library. It is amazing and so kid friendly.
Quinn makes Max play Battleship with him while I make my lists. Max finds it so boring he moves his battle ship to the locations Quinn says just to make it end faster. Quinn has no idea. I let it go because it makes us all happy.

I have decided I want to learn to bake. Lily has been very happy to taste test my creations. Here are some Orea whoopie pies.
Emma and I made homemade pretzels and they kind taste like magic.
Side note: I have lost almost 50 pounds over the last year. I don't eat these things. I take a bite for two and the kids inhale the rest.
The first time we made them Emma had the watch the oven like on Great British Bake Off. We needed constant eye contact to get a good bake.
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