I wanted to go over some of the toys, since they all seem really great.
Quinny got the Elefun Popper. It is an elephant that has air power in it so the baby can press a big button and the thing shoots balls out of its trunk. The big kids are in love with the crazy thing. It is plastic, but put together well. They have been mistreated it since it got its batteries (4D!!!) and it looks like it is going to hold up pretty well. Quinn has barely played with it yet, since the big kids are hogging it. Even though it was from my parents I found it on sale for $20 at Target and picked it up for my mother. Its noisy and annoying, but it does have an on/off button.

Lily's gift has not arrived yet. But she knew exactly what it was and it will work perfectly for us. It a big platform swing. It comes from Hearth Song and my kids are going to love it. Yes - we are in Indiana. Yes - it is too cold outside to use a swing. Technically. But I promise you that when it arrived we will be putting on Carharts and getting our selves on that freaking swing. Cost for my mom was $130 plus shipping. Pricey. But I expect this things to last for a very long time. I predict that my kids will use it almost every single day.
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