I really am not going to go super crazy with decor on this one.
The little boys don’t care. They just want to run around and break crap anyway.
Still – the party lover in me just can’t help but get a little nutty.
The treat table is really my place to do what I want.
I know that the party is about the boys, but I need my cool treat table.
It’s my own little hobby.

The treat table will have the cake front and center.
I don’t want any kind of cake that has a Toothless or Hiccup that we are supposed eat.
I don’t want to carve up slices of Toothless to pass out to a bunch of wild seven year olds.
I want a cake very similar to the one I have above.
Something with cool texture but not too much one particular thing.
Usually I take a few cakes and put them together, but I really just want this exact cake. My favorite cake lady is up for the challenge as usual. If you are local you seriously need to check this lady out. Her cakes are amazing and her prices for her quality are impossible to beat.
I will make sheep marshmallow pops to go with the sheep that you see in the movie.
I want to make black cups with wings and eyes and have some treats in them.
I love the green dragon poop that someone made.
I have to do that. My boys will think that is disgusting awesomeness.
I’ll come up with some other treats as we get closer but that should pretty much cover the salty sweet bases.
I have some small stuffed dragons from the movie to use on the treat table to help fill empty space.
I want a bright teal sheet turned table cloth and some burlap to add texture.
The back drop will be a black or blue sheet with card board shields saying “Max” and “Quinn”.

Quinn will be dressed in all black with a black hoodie sweat shirt that I am going to make into an easy Toothless costume.
Max is going to be dressed as Hiccup.
I hope to be able to make most of it myself, with the help of Goodwill.
My “I can’t sew” routine may limit what I can do, but I have so ideas that might work.

When kids arrive they will get help making their own catapult which we will have a shooting contest with later in the day.
I will pre-make Viking hats out of duct tape and cardboard that they can wear when they arrive.
I will also have shields started that they can decorate while we wait for others to get there.
I learned last year to not give this crew any swords, so if you notice I skipped that it is for a reason. 
After about ten minutes of arrival time we jump right in to games.
The boys’ party is in a gym near my house so they can run wild and my house isn’t trashed.
I will cut some fish out of tissue paper and they have to use
shields (paper plates) to fan the fish into a basket to feed their
No hands allowed. Then they have to take dragon eggs (balloons) and use anything but hands to get them into a next (hula hoops).
I may make this a race between two teams.
I am going to make some sheep out of white yarn pompoms and make a toss game out of them.
We will definitely have some three legged dragon races.
I have several other games in mind that I have stolen off the minute to win it website.
I’ll rename them into dragon names but I am thinking about games
like Junk in the Trunk (empty tissue boxes with pin pong balls inside
and they have to shake them out), cup stack races, marshmallow transfer
with a straw, and feather blowing races.
My goal is to send them home totally wiped out.
Take home:
I think I will send them home with a take home present of the
first book in the “How to Train Your Dragon” series of chapter books.
It’s a little advanced for first grade but it could be read aloud to them.
The book is $5 each on Amazon. I would rather send them home with a book then some ridiculous bag of cheap silliness.
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