I did a post awhile ago in an attempt to keep my back to school spending under control. Here are the final results of my shopping.
Predicted - $50
Actual - $0
She refused a new one. Only her old one would do. No problem.
Leggins - 4 pairs
Predicted - $5 each
Actual (Old Navy) - $6 each
(Old navy had free shipping. Which saved me the temptation of having to go into the store.)
Socks - 9 pairs
Predicted - $18 for 10 = $1.80 per pair
Actual (Old Navy) - $15 for 9 = $1.66 per pair
Underwear - 14 pairs
Predicted - $15-25 for 10 pairs = $1.50-2.50 per pair
Actual (old Navy) - $20 for 14 pairs = $1.42 per pair
Daily shoes
Predicted - $20
Actual - $30 from Famous Footware
She is so odd about shoes. She has to try them on. So I gave up on ebay and just took her to buy shoes like a regular kid. I LOVE the shoes she picked.
Gym shoes
Predicted - $15
Actual - free
She refused new gym shoes. Wanted her old ones. They look brand new, as they don't wear gym shoes outside. So I let her. Maybe mid year, she will need new ones.
Winter boots
Waiting on these till the stores have them out.
Predicted - 5 for summer and 5 later for fall = $100 total
Actual (one from old navy, the rest are high end brands from the used clothing store)
5 for summer total = $43
1 so far for fall = $6.50
Total = $49.50
Grand total:
Predicted amount for quantity purchased $188
Actual $138.50
UNDER BUDGET BY $50. That is so great! Not having to buy a backpack saved me, and allowed me to buy her nicer shoes than I normally would have.
In the late fall I will still need to buy her some more leggins ($6 each) , winter boots ($30) , and a few more dresses ($40). She might need new gym shoes by then ($30). Budget predicted for that is $130.
You did great -- and I'm totally loving those sneakers! Do they make them in grown-up sizes too???