Friday, March 30, 2012

::10 days past::

It has been ten days since my last post.

I think that is my record. 

I miss blogging.  It's my personal therapy.

But now I feel like I have so much to say I don't know were to start.

How about a quick summary of a few of my biggest thoughts running around in my brain?

Quinn - delicious.  I ADORE having a baby in this house.  I tell him every day that he is the smartest little man I have ever met.  (Don't tell Max.)  I can hardly get enough of him.  His sleep habits could stand improvement, but I am not ready yet to really do something about that problem.

Work - improved.  Lots.  I decided on leave that I had two options - whine about my job and still have to go or learn to like it and still have to go.  I can not stand bitching for the sake of bitching.  I decided to go with option B.  And it is working.  I really like my job now.  It is different from St Vincent.  It always is going to be.  But it is having a major positive factor in my climb out of debt and I LOVE the people that I work with.  From this day forth I except the imperfections of my crazy resource team manager and am going to try to say something positive to her every time she says something nuts. 

Back to work - hard.  I was really liking being a stay at home mom this time around.  The house was spotless(ish) when I went back.  It is amazing how one night with Josh in charge can produce so much clutter.  I feel like I work all day and get to come home to work all the next day.  And the next.  And the next.  But that just means I got to rise to the challenge.  I am just a little too under rested to be tough.  (But I slept off and on from 10P till noon the other day.)  In all fairness - Josh is trying.  He is just out of shape when it comes to taking care of the house.  He has been super spoiled by me for the past few weeks. 

My mother inlaw - a dream come true.  She is watching Max when I work.  Who else can love your kids as much as you and want all the right things for them?  The best mother inlaw ever.  Seriously - she is amazing.  It makes me so happy.

Well that is a quick and dirty summary.  Not the best writing I have ever done but it gets the things that have been burning up my brain out. 


  1. I miss when you blog, but understand you are one busy momma. Let me tell you know I'm in the same boat with you regarding the job. I'm learning to like it and accepting to like it. ugh! I don't have any choice. Live in paradise but only have one hospital to work at.

  2. Sounds wonderful! I am soooo jealous of your baby time... I want another (even tho I can barely manage the two kiddos I have)! EnJoY!
