Sunday, April 4, 2010

::ham cakes::

Here is the first of the weekly cupcakes that I am hoping to make this month.  My dear friend Shelly brought a cupcake book to work and a used that books piggie idea as my starting point.  I knew I wanted to make some cupcakes for Easter dinner but I didn't want to do traditional bunnies or something like that.   I thought these little ham cakes had some irony to go with their cuteness.  

I was in charge of icing the body and the upside down reece's cup.  Lily placed all other parts of the cupcakes.  M&M's for eyes and spice drop ears.  We used brown icing for the nostrils and pupils.  She did a really good job and it was a fun time spent together.  I learned all about what every kid in her class brings for lunch every day.  Very important information and delivered in her typically adorable manner.  



  1. How cute! I hope that someday I am as creative as you are!! Hope we can get together soon! :)

  2. Too cute! I do a weekly cupcake, you should check it out. This week was a reese's PB cupcake.

    I'm not brave enough to venture into the cute cupcakes quite yet so will be checking back to see what other amazing things you are making!
