Wednesday, August 28, 2019

::august 2019::

I got a new shirt in my adventures.  

Max and Otter continue to look alike, especially when annoyed.  

We had some fun flea marketing with the family.  

Even the brothers had fun.  

Lily finished off being Miep in Anne Frank.  

Quinn has started football and he is a natural.  

The rabbits have been living in an outdoor pen and they love it.  

Future state champs for sure.  

More flea marketing fun.  

This little dog has become my constant companion.  

Dinner out with my sisters.  

Got this rocking chicken bell.  

I took Sheila to a new bar in Anderson.   

Got assigned to my new cube and have been having fun setting it up.  

I love playing Speed Tiles with the boys.  We have lots of house rules to make this game go super fast.  

Sir Gus is the greatest of dogs.  

I didn't get to have my entire garden in place this year, but I still got some great tomatoes.  

My little peach tree gave us a great peach harvest for her first year.  

Max decided he wanted to join band and is playing his fathers trumpet.  

This is the tattoo that Quinn wants when her gets older.    I can't wait to see it  happen. 

I am so excited that we got the chance to buy Lily a Volkswagen  Beetle for her 16th birthday.    I have called her Buggy as a pet name since she was a baby.   She ha wanted a VW Bug since she was old enough to know there was such a thing.  I have been looking online but couldn't find just the right thing.  This car listed just down the road from us.   It is a 2008 and only had 55K miles on it.  The price was close enough that we could negotiate to the point I wanted.  

I was so happy to take her with me to pay for the car and she got to meet her new little friend. 
I hope they have many safe adventures together.