Wednesday, September 30, 2015

::summer 2015::

We had such a wonderful summer this year.

 We started a pumpkin patch.
 We took out goat back and forth to a vet school in Illinois and she got her cast off with no residual issues.


We ate lots of wild berries.

Max and Josh made a rocket and fired it off.  Then picked it out of a tree.
We got three new kittens that have been hours of entertainment for the kids.  They are names Broccoli, Scrubs, and Jack Sparrow.  A few weeks latter the little grey and white one found its way here and got named Peter Pan.   
 Lily did an art camp and made the best teapot.  Its amazing.

 County fair was amazing!  All the animals did well.
Emma won Grand Champion pygmy wether with Bo.
Lily won reserve Grand Champion do with Marshmallow – a home grown baby girl

Lily won Champion All Other Breeds with her little Babydoll Southdown Ewe, Bernadette.


We learned that Q has three front teeth on top instead of two.  This should lead to some pretty fun dentist bills in the future but just adds to his serious cuteness. 


I took five chickens to the butcher and the three turkeys are going soon. 
The garden didn’t have its best year.  It started VERY strong, but late blight killed off most of my tomatoes.  I have a plan on how to deal with them next year, so I learned from it.


We got to sneak out on a Schaefer family cabin trip to Kentucky.  The whole crew had a good time. 

 Lily had too much fun decorating her locker for sixth grade.  
Disco ball included. 

 Max started second grade and Lily sixth.  

For her birthday this year Lily wanted to take her girl friend to get nails painted and then watch shows at our house.  I was the trusty driver.