Thursday, June 21, 2012

::bead sun catchers::

It is so flipping hot here right now.  Too hot.  And no rain.  The grass is crunchy, unless it is lucky enough to be next to my garden which gets watered every stinking day.  Its too hot to play outside for very long.  And I am getting that must create, paint, and rip down walls feeling that usually leads to Josh wanting to move out.  Last night I let the kids pick through my "shortie fun" pinboard and they picked out a fun little craft or two to try.

WARNING ~ if you are not crafty at all - you and your kids can do this.  
Toddler friendly even - minus the oven.

Its really complex, you ready?  Take any size or shape oven proof pan.  Add in one layer of cheap plastic beds.  (Lets try two next time just to be crazy!)  Put nothing else in the pan, do not over think this.  Don't line it, don't get crazy.  Place pan in oven.  Turn over to 400 degrees because you are too lazy to preheat it.  DO NOT go watch Dallas because you will burn the house day.  Just hang out near the oven checking with the oven light on so the kids can watch.  Once the beads are melted to what ever amount of melty-ness suits you - take them out.  Go watch Dallas while they cool down.  Once they are completely cool turn the pan over and the solid sun catcher will just slide right out.  If it has some holes in it from not being totally melted put a ribbon through one hole and hang it up.  If not than just set it against the window.  DONE DONE AND DONE.  Shorties are mad happy thinking it is the prettiest thing ever.  

I can not wait to experiment with this more.  Like making the beads into a pattern, or smaller size ones to be ornaments.  Very cheap and fun.  Like me :)
This was 100% stolen from Pintrest.  Link here to see the original post. 

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

::Q's 4 month visit::

Pretty happy for a guy that got two shots.

Weight = 15pounds 10 ounces - 56%

Height = 25.75 inches - 71%

OFC = 41.7 - 28% (holding strong, no wonder he had such a perfect delivery)
Just for the record Max and Lily were 96%+ in OFC from birth on.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

::Q out for the count::

 What are those goats doing out there?

It seems kind of borrrrring...

Hey camera person.  

 I think I will just space out for a few mins.  

 Maybe one small little grin.


Friday, June 15, 2012


 How did this little kid turn into this kid...

I love/hate her at 14.
The boys at the movie theater were checking her out.
I almost slapped them.
But 14 is so much fun.  
I can really talk to her about things and she pretends to be listening. 

 That kid loves a good jumping picture.
"It's my signature move."

Thursday, June 14, 2012

::max draws daddy::

Max's masterpiece of him with his Dad.
Please note Josh's spiky hair and how Max drew his own curls.  
This is one of the first times I have seen him draw a picture of people.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

::ingles family - take two::

Its been two years and one more baby but we finally managed to work out our schedules to do another family picture session. 


Sunday, June 10, 2012

::apples to apples::

Is it just in my head or are they twins?

Fingers crossed for curly hair.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

::quinn is delish::

Quinn is a very stylish man.

Look at those thigh rolls!  He is just so cute.

And he has some stellar skateboard moves. 

Thursday, June 7, 2012

::not good at::

I did a photo shoot for a young girl the other day at my farm.  She walked around and looked at my cottage garden and started in with the "How do you do it all?" questions.  How do you have four kids, work full time, and take care of ______.  (Insert the phrase - all these animals, or all the land, or this garden, or etc.)  Every now and then you need a young girl with a new baby to come over and treat you like you have it all figured out.  Its a good ego boost.  But here are a few things I very seriously do not have figured out.
1.  I never bring in my trash cans the day that trash gets picked up.  Sometimes I pretend to ignore them the whole week.  I have perfected this.
2.  I don't recycle enough.  How can I not do this?  Terrible.  My friend that lives in Japan recycles every single thing just as directed and she doesn't even really speak the language.  I have no good excuses.
3.  I forget to turn the hose off sometimes.  I put it in the horse tank and walk away and six hours latter am stunned to see the huge pond forming in the driveway.
4.  My car is almost always messy, more like trash filled.  I blame my kids often.  Its really my own fault.  This would most likely be the one thing that Josh can't stand about me if you go him drunk enough to admit it.
5.  No matter how much I try to talk myself out of it, if it is dark outside and I am walking back in from the barn I can not stop myself from running.  I just know that a monster is waiting to get me.  I am 34 year old. 

Monday, June 4, 2012

::first day of summer - paint+balloons+darts=hell yes::

 Max and I made a poster for the door and set the stage...

 The kitchen island was ready and over flowing with the fun to be had...

 Max showed me his best dance moves while we waited for the bus...

Lily and her friend got off the bus and the fun began.
Filling balloons with paint can be dangerous.  
Josh had one explode in his face.  
I tried not to laugh,
but did not succeed.  

The kids had so much fun and got extra dirty.
It was a glorious mess.